Statewide Teal Opener - Iowa Wildlife Federation

Statewide Teal Opener

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.

Phenomenal!  Absolutely incredible!  Have never seen anything like it!

Mild temperatures combined with the blue-wing’s preference for frequenting small, easy access wetlands, make Iowa’s special teal season a favorite with outdoor enthusiasts of all ages.

Those are typical hunter comments regarding the September 1st opening of this year’s special teal season.  According to DNR Conservation Officers and wildlife personnel, it’s no stretch to say this year’s opener exceeded all expectations. 

Although teal were harvested statewide during the Labor Day weekend, hunters encountered the largest duck numbers and achieved their greatest success in Iowa’s 35-county prairie pothole region.  Enthusiasm ran high with Conservation Officers reporting an exceptionally large hunter turnout.  Hunter satisfaction matched the turnout with most hunters receiving ample opportunities to bag teal.  Many waterfowlers attained their six teal limits within the first hour – or even the first few minutes — of the sunrise opener.  Hunter success was so high that officers in the pothole region [north central and northwest Iowa] are ranking the opener as one of the top three since the seasons were initiated in 2014. 

A six-bird daily limit of blue-winged teal.  Blue-wings are the first waterfowl to head south from summer nesting areas.  Iowa’s special September teal seasons are designed to take advantage of blue-wings normally passing through the state before regular duck seasons begin.

Although the vast majority of the bag consisted of blue-winged teal, conservation officers reported that a sprinkling of green-winged teal were also taken.  Blue-winged teal are the first duck to leave the northern breeding areas and the special seasons are designed to take advantage of birds that normally pass through the state before regular duck seasons begin.  DNR biologists note that early September is a time of peak migration for the species, and that large numbers of teal should continue to move through the state before the special season concludes on September 16.

A migrating flock of blue-winged teal skim the cattails of an Iowa pothole.

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