IWF Business Alliance
IWF Business Alliance
IWF Business Alliance members enjoy recognition in Iowa Wildlife Federation publications and through IWF outreach platforms, along with many more opportunities to reach and engage our members and supporters. Details of each Business Alliance membership level are presented below.
By supporting the Iowa Wildlife Federation, you play an important role in protecting Iowa’s wildlife and habitats for future generations. Your contribution helps support Iowa’s youth through School of the Wild, protect our water resources and pollinators through IWF’s Certified Wildlife Program, and inspires all Iowans to protect our wildlife and habitat!

Platinum - $10,000
Your Platinum Business Alliance membership includes:
- Logo on the IWF – Business Alliance webpage (large)
- Professionally produced video testimonial and recognition through IWF social media
- Co-branded educational information sheet about how to protect and conserve Iowa wildlife
- IWF Business Alliance plaque to display in your business
- VIP access at IWF events
- IWF Lunch & Learn for your employees
- News announcement of partnership
- Benefits of donating to a 501(c)3
Optional Benefit:
- Custom Certified Wildlife Habitat design for you business
- IWF assessment of current landscaping
- Custom design
- Certified Wildlife Habitat sign (upon implementation and application)

Gold - $5,000
Your Gold Business Alliance membership includes:
- Your Gold Business Alliance membership includes:
- Logo on the IWF – Business Alliance webpage (medium) Recognition through IWF social media
- Tickets to IWF events
- IWF Lunch & Learn for your employees
- News announcement of partnership
- Benefits of donating to a 501(c)3

Silver - $2,500
Your Silver Business Alliance membership includes:
- Logo on the IWF – Business Alliance webpage (medium)
- Recognition through IWF social media
- Limited tickets to IWF events
- IWF Lunch & Learn for your employees
- Benefits of donating to a 501(c)3