Washburn’s Outdoor Journal
Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.
There are just some things that a person can’t get enough of. Like observing and listening to wild turkeys as they move about in their natural woodland habitats. Iowa’s spring hunting seasons are over, of course. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone has to quit messin’ with willing gobblers. It just means that you
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If the sight of the first robin signals the arrival of spring; then what sign would we use to mark the beginning of summer? According to government time keepers, the answer is simple. Summer officially begins with the summer solstice which, in Iowa, will occur on June 20 at 11:24 pm. But although the solstice
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With its elegantly crested head and spectacular plumage, the wood duck is one of Iowa’s best known and most popular waterfowl. Most folks are also familiar with the woodie’s unusual woodpecker-like habit of nesting inside natural tree cavities or nest boxes instead of on the ground like other ducks.
Fewer, however, may be aware that another
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No matter how many years I’m at it, observing and photographing waterfowl never gets old. Waterfowl are always willing to provide plenty of surprises, and sometimes you don’t know what you’ve captured until you get back home to review your work. This month’s surprise came in the form of duck bands. A friend of mine
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For Iowa birding enthusiasts, it just doesn’t get any better than the month of May. The final curtain call of the spring migration, it’s a time when everything seems to arrive at once. Spring migrants come in all colors, shapes and sizes. But of the more than 200 bird species that will nest in or
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The morel mushroom reigns as undisputed King of the Wild Edibles. In Iowa, as elsewhere, Morel Mania is rampant. The elusive fungus is in so craved, in fact, that people who can’t find them buy them. But store bought morels aren’t cheap. At roadside stands and Mississippi River fish markets, these woodland taste treats are
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The winter and spring calls of the barred owl are among my favorite woodland sounds. While most owls reserve their calling for the nighttime hours, the signature “who cooks for you” cry of the barred owl is as likely to be heard at noon as midnight.
The larger and more ferocious great horned owl is the
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Listening to new hunters tell their stories is always an uplifting experience; especially when the teller happens to be your seven-year-old granddaughter. Here is how Natalie Washburn recalled her Great Big Outdoor Turkey Hunting Adventure:
When Natalie and her dad, Matt arrived at their favorite hunting spot a loud-mouthed gobbler was already sounding off from the
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Spring is a busy time for Iowa wood ducks. The season moves quickly; finding a safe place to lay and incubate eggs becomes a top priority. Observing cavity searching pairs never fails to entertain. This morning, the birds were out and about as soon as it was light – thoroughly scouring the woodlands in search
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As predictable as April showers and May flowers, Iowa’s Baby Bird & Bunny Season is about to begin. From early May until mid-summer, wildlife babies from dozens of species will be leaving the protection of their nests and learning the outdoor skills critical to their survival. Before the season ends, Iowa DNR and County Conservation
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When It Comes To Hunting The Elusive Wild Mushroom –
Timing is Everything
April showers may bring May flowers, but they also produce mushrooms. And there’s just something about the mushroom that makes people go absolutely crazy. Succulent and elusive, the morel mushroom is Iowa’s most coveted wild edible. Hunting for these tender taste treats can
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Following weeks of anticipation, the Opening Day the Iowa turkey season has finally arrived. Even more incredible was the fact today's sunrise was both windless and cloudless -- amazing! Early season hunters took full advantage of the idyllic conditions and it didn't take long for social media to come alive with gobbler success photos --
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