Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.
Human preschool students are not the only recipients of early education. The attached photo provides a good example. The breeze was swirling and, although she caught my scent, this white-tail doe could not pinpoint my exact location. Her reaction was one that every bow hunter has witnessed far too often — the dreaded foot stomp. A nearby set of twin fawns had been nonchalantly nibbling on some browse. But when the doe began her foot stomping routine, they immediately came to attention. One of the fawns [photo] trotted over and stared intently at Mom’s stomping leg. In human terms, it appeared as if the fawn was thinking “show me one more time how it’s done”. A couple of seconds after this shot was taken, all three deer tore off into a thicker part of the woods. It’s no wonder these incredible game animals become so cagey when they get older. For Iowa white-tails, survival training literally starts at birth.