Washburn's Outdoor Journal - Page 48 of 48 - Iowa Wildlife Federation

Prairie Summer

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.It’s late summer and the Iowa prairie is flourishing with  a dazzling array of life and color.   Although impossible for contemporary Iowans to fathom the endless, horizon to horizon prairie vistas that

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Subtle Transitions

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.Subtle Transitions.        It’s early August, and Iowa’s woodlands are hinting of change.  The stunning lime colored brilliance of earlier forest greenery has slowly given way to the darker, more subdued hues of

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Early Education

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.  Human preschool students are not the only recipients of early education.  The attached photo provides a good example.  The breeze was swirling and, although she caught my scent, this white-tail doe could

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