Washburn's Outdoor Journal - Iowa Wildlife Federation

Washburn’s Outdoor Journal

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.

When leaves fall and autumn winds blow, Iowa duck hunters can anticipate a strong migration of southbound waterfowl during 2024.  That’s the official assessment from this year’s North American Breeding Duck and Habitat Survey released earlier this week by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Conducted every year since 1955, the continent-wide annual survey measures trends
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The slow-moving cold front that swept into Iowa during the second week of August offered some much-needed relief from the stifling heat and humidity of late summer.  The temporary change of weather also provided a sharp reminder that fall hunting seasons are just around the corner. For Iowa waterfowlers, the fall seasons begin with the September
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Although hunting for summer mushrooms may be a lot different than searching for spring morels, it can be just as rewarding.  Despite the fact that summer foliage is generally much denser than spring ground cover, finding woodland mushrooms can actually be easier in August than it was back in April or early May.  Spring morels, for
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It’s late summer and the signs of the season are emerging.  Right on schedule, this year’s crop of annual cicadas are making their appearance, and the distinctive ‘song of the locust’ has begun filling the sultry summer atmosphere.  With volumes exceeding 100 decibels, the ear-piercing trill is impossible to miss.  Louder than your neighbor’s lawn
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Brightly colored and sculpted to a fault, the cardinal is one of my favorite backyard birds.  But the bird currently sitting at my feeder did little to fit that description.  By contrast, this cardinal appeared dull and disheveled.  Happens every summer.  Having raised their latest crop of youngsters, adult parents began losing and replacing their
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Iowa’s five-segment, 2024 spring turkey season ended May 12.  Participation ran high during this year’s spring season with hunters purchasing around 54,500 spring turkey tags.  Turkeys were harvested in all of the state’s 99 counties, resulting in a combined statewide bag of 16,051 birds – a notable increase from the average of around 12,000 to
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For Iowa birding enthusiasts, the spring warbler migration is a highlight event.  Not all migrations are created equal, of course.  The speed, timing, and abundance of the annual flights are largely dependent on developing spring weather patterns.  Not all warbler sightings carry the same weight.  While enjoying and identifying the more common species, experienced birders
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Fast, nervous, and colorful, the tiny green-winged teal is one of my favorite spring migrants. Green-wings, more so than most waterfowl, utilize a wide variety of nesting habitats from small prairie potholes to remote arctic tundras and just about every wet spot in between.  But if you had to pick a breeding stronghold, some of
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The Iowa outdoors is full of surprises.  One of the latest occurred during early April when the state’s northern counties were inundated with colorful legions of northbound purple finches.  Purple finches are robust, chunky birds which are most often identified by the male’s rich, wine and raspberry colored plumage.  Females, also beautiful, are adorned in a
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Following a couple of hopeful but unproductive outings in Northern Iowa, I finally spotted my first fully bloomed, yellow dandelion on Thursday, April 11 – a full seventeen days earlier than last year’s first sighting on April 28.  A couple of friends also found flowering dandelions on the 11th, and we’re all pretty excited over
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The first segment of Iowa’s five-part, spring turkey season kicks off April 5 with the opening of the annual special Youth Season, followed by the first segment of the regular hunting seasons on April 8.  The season’s fourth and final segment runs until May 12.  For outdoor enthusiasts, there are plenty of season choices and
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The annual northward migration of the lesser snow goose ranks as one of creation’s most awe-inspiring events.  Heading toward ancestral breeding grounds in arctic Canada, goose flocks containing tens of thousands of birds are currently making their way up the flyways.  Although Iowa snow goose numbers generally don’t peak until around mid-March, this year’s mild
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