Washburn’s Outdoor Journal
Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.
To say that I’m not much of a techie would be something of an understatement. I grew up in a world that is now mostly vanished. When I began writing, high tech meant a good ink pen and a clean sheet of paper. Wildlife photography consisted of scrolling an expensive roll of film into the
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The results of this year’s recently completed August roadside game surveys have been finalized. According to DNR Upland Game Research Biologist, Todd Bogenschutz, the prospects are bright, and Iowans can look forward to exciting fall and winter hunting seasons during 2023.
“Statewide pheasant counts increased by 15 percent over 2022, while counts for gray [Hungarian] partridge
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Iowa’s fall waterfowl seasons are coming up fast. The first segment of this year’s duck season begins September 1st with a statewide 16-day teal hunt. The early segment of the [North Zone] goose season commences September 23.
For many species of migratory waterfowl, Iowa marks the halfway point between spring nesting and southern wintering grounds. When,
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Like many of you, I maintain backyard bird feeders. Winter, spring, summer, or fall; observing backyard birdlife provides year-round entertainment. Supplying a healthy variety of foods attracts a wide variety of species and a maximum number of visitors. When it comes to backyard birding; ‘The more the Merrier’ is my motto.
But there are some notable
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Celebrating the birth of our nation, the Fourth of July represents one of our country’s most significant holidays. But once the parades, picnics, and fireworks have ended, summer seems to go fast. Sometimes, it almost goes too fast when, although I know they’re coming, the opening of the fall hunting seasons takes me by surprise.
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Of all the songbirds that grace the Iowa landscape each year, perhaps no species adds richer color or brings a cheerier song than the Baltimore oriole. The oriole’s elegant black and orange plumage is stunning; it’s rich warbling song the musical equivalent of purest crystal. Little wonder the species is regarded as one of our
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It’s that time of year again. Iowa’s Baby Bird & Bunny season is officially underway. For me, each new sighting of a brand new, spindly-legged fawn; brood of Canada geese or fledgling robin is cause for celebration – a vivid portrayal of the annual renewal of life.
White-tailed fawn – An hours’ old, white-tailed fawn becomes
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Hunting wild turkeys with primitive [handmade] archery equipment is one of my favorite outdoor pastimes. It is also the most challenging. For me, no other pursuit of fish or game is more difficult than bagging a gobbler with bow and arrow. This year was no exception. Moving into the final segment of the spring season,
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The latter half of May is a time that no Iowa birding enthusiast would willingly choose to miss. The annual spring migration is moving forward at full throttle and bird numbers are approaching their peak.
After spending the winter months in the sun-drenched habitats of the Caribbean, Central America and South America, millions of neotropical
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Blue-winged Teal Steal the Show During Spring Migration
For Iowa wildlife enthusiasts, the spring waterfowl migration represents a major highlight of the annual outdoor calendar. Bedecked in their finest nuptial plumage, the birds are never more beautiful than as they head north to ancestral nesting grounds. No matter how many times you may observe the spring
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Youth Turkey Hunt Provides Lifetime Memories
The first of Iowa’s five-part spring turkey seasons opened Friday, April 7, with the annual mentored youth hunt. My son Matt had some work activities scheduled [bad for him] which opened the opportunity for Grandad [good for me] to act as a substitute mentor for my nine-year-old granddaughter, Riley.
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Luring flocks of wild ducks and geese into a well-placed spread of decoys – or at least making the attempt -- is one of my favorite outdoor pastimes. Doesn’t really matter if it’s spring or fall; or whether I’m armed with a digital camera or loaded shotgun. It’s being there that counts. For me, there
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