Washburn's Outdoor Journal - Iowa Wildlife Federation

Washburn’s Outdoor Journal

Photography courtesy of Lowell Washburn, all rights reserved.

Following a couple of hopeful but unproductive outings in Northern Iowa, I finally spotted my first fully bloomed, yellow dandelion on Thursday, April 11 – a full seventeen days earlier than last year’s first sighting on April 28.  A couple of friends also found flowering dandelions on the 11th, and we’re all pretty excited over
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The first segment of Iowa’s five-part, spring turkey season kicks off April 5 with the opening of the annual special Youth Season, followed by the first segment of the regular hunting seasons on April 8.  The season’s fourth and final segment runs until May 12.  For outdoor enthusiasts, there are plenty of season choices and
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The annual northward migration of the lesser snow goose ranks as one of creation’s most awe-inspiring events.  Heading toward ancestral breeding grounds in arctic Canada, goose flocks containing tens of thousands of birds are currently making their way up the flyways.  Although Iowa snow goose numbers generally don’t peak until around mid-March, this year’s mild
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Popular, challenging, and nutritious, the white-tailed deer is one of Iowa’s most treasured natural resources.  I love watching, hunting and, yes, consuming our nation’s most popular big game animal.  But when Iowa’s deer seasons end in January, there is always one deer that I hope has survived another year.  That deer is a beautiful doe
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Sub-zero temperatures.  Winds gusting in excess of thirty miles per hour.  Drifting snow.  Near zero visibility.  Dangerous wind chills.  Not a pretty picture for most Iowans.  But those were the exact conditions that occurred when a good old-fashioned blizzard roared through Iowa last weekend. Looking through the glass of my cozy dining room window, I wondered
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The final segment of Iowa’s [North Zone] duck season ended December 5th.   Despite widespread drought and ever receding water levels, the 2023 season was surprisingly productive.  In addition to seeing overall good duck numbers during much of the season, North Iowans also enjoyed five major migration days this fall, the largest occurring on October 31
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Even when you’re anticipating their arrival, wood ducks have a way of sneaking up on a guy.  Of course, there are those happy occasions when the two-syllable, screeching call of an incoming hen will provide a two second warning that woodies are on their way.  More often than not, however, you’ll remain completely clueless to
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Following months of searing summer drought, water is at a premium across much of Iowa.  Resident wildlife – especially those species depending on wetlands – face a daily array of new challenges and new dangers.  As wildlife continues to adjust to their ever-changing habitats, human observers may have the surprise opportunity to view some unique
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For most folks, the words ‘Snipe Hunt’ will bring to mind one of the world’s most famous practical jokes.  The joke takes place when a naive newcomer is taken to a spooky, nighttime marshland where he is handed a lantern and empty gunny sack.  The victim is then instructed to hold the glowing lantern in
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Despite widespread drought and receding water levels, Iowa waterfowl enthusiasts fared surprisingly well during this year’s special 16-day teal-only hunting season.  The season kick off was somewhat dampened, however, as blue-winged teal staged a mass migratory exodus from the state on the very night preceding the September 1st opener.  Although disappointing, Opening Day turnout remained
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Iowa’s 16-day special teal season is one of the favorite events on my annual outdoor calendar.  For me, the September 1st teal opener marks the literal kickoff for the fall hunting seasons.  Some of the features that make teal season “special” is that, during most years, there is lots of water supporting lots of ducks
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The fall bird migrations are one of the Iowa outdoors most amazing miracles.  Feathered travelers come in all shapes and sizes, but for many Iowa birding enthusiasts, few events are more anticipated than the autumn passage of the bird grouping known as wood warblers.  The migratory flights begin arriving in Iowa during August and reach
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